Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gracie: Clay Balls (Stress Balls)

Heyy!! I am BACK from a swamp tour (here in good old Louisiana)! ANYWAY, I brought a little friend with me... A STRESS BALL!!( '>.< ) Why?? I just finished the Hunger Games and was like "DOODLES!! *THATS* THE ENDING?! MOM!! I NEED ANOTHER BOOK!!" (Team Gale-er)
Now, I, myself, have no clue HOW to get a stress ball, but I have a few little tips and tricks for MAKING your own.... Now, they aren't top-class, but they do the job!! :)

Things you'll need:
1. Clay made to be fired in a kiln (Did I say it correctly??)
2. Hands (your own, preferably)
3. Some stress


Take the clay and shape it into a PERFECT-ish ball-shape... If it gets dry (which it WILL) add some water to it..

Throw it down onto a FLAT surface so that there is a part of it that is flat so it can stay on a table without rolling off...  Let it AIR-DRY (this will take a while).

Once it is all dry, start to toss it around in your hands and get the feel.. Then you can just PLAIN THROW it around and toss it and so on.....

Goodbye, stress

(I am in <3 with my stress ball, that I made a smaller one to put in my purse...*mumbles* I must have a TON of stress..... :(


  1. You must have a lot of stress

  2. LOL. I must ask why?

    1. I was in my art class and we were sculpting... We got to take the extra clay home and I had NO IDEA what to use it for.. SO.. I made it into a ball-shape and then realized how wonderfully anti-stressiness it is.
