Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gracie: Publishing Stories

We all love to write stories, at least, most of us do. So, what happens if you write a story and want to publish it? Here are a few tips on how to and instructions on how to PUBLISH YOUR STORIES.


1. Make sure that you edit and revise!!! 
You DO NOT want your story to have a ton of type-os, misspellings, and other common OR uncommon mistakes. All of your writing problems and worries can be washed away if you have a friend re-read it and edit and revise. DO NOT PUBLISH A BOOK THAT IS FILLED WITH MISTAKES. That can become problematic. 

2. Make sure you have someone else read it!!
You may think that your story is great and ready to publish, but why not have a few people re-read it?? They can help you find mistakes that you yourself couldn't fins if they were in bold and highlighted. Why not? You may be asking. Well, it's like you are afraid to say to yourself, "This needs fixing," or "I need to revise this." Not everyone is perfect, so don't imagine that every detail in your book/story is rainbows and ice cream. (Not to be mean, but teacher can be way harsher, so don't ignore ME to hear THEM scold you and your writing. HAVE FRIENDS CHECK, REVISE, AND EDIT YOUR STORY/BOOK!! 

3. You MUST make sure that your title isn't copying another one.
It is A-OK if your title is the same as another one.... really, but when you write your story, and if the title is the same or not, DO NOT COPY. There ARE REASONS for that ©.... 


1. Go to a book-making website
You can go to, which I highly recommend. If you do go there, you can make an account for free, but you still have to buy your book..... ☹ Anyway, you can pick your theme, back rounds, stickers, book size, whether it is paperback or a hard copy, and so on.

2. Sign in or Signup!! (Obviously)

3. Pick your book size, theme, title, and so on.
Don't fret, you can change this all later. Also, don't worry about the theme.. If you don't like any of them, pick one and you can always pick another back round when you start typing.


If you have any questions please ask, because I know how confusing it can be to go on a new website and think about how you have to pay FOR SOMETHING. You worry that you are picking something expensive, or that you are doing something that you shouldn't and it will end up being something that costs moolaa..... Don't fret or worry!! If you do, make a comment with your question (sounds funny) and WE WILL ANSWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  

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