Sunday, March 4, 2012

Evy: Good Advice

Hi, everyone! Today I'm going to be helping you with good advice -- not only to get but also to give.  I love helping out my friends and family with their tough problems; I'm usually involved in some argument, heartbreak, or major falling-out so I have plenty of experience.

Since I can't reach out to all of you personally in one Blogtime, you can email me at (that's evyandgracie [at] gmail [dot] com) so I can help you with any problem. (See the asterisk at the bottom of this Blogtime for more information on that.)

- Heartbreak
Heartbreak is hard. Breakups, tragic relationships, etc. are hard to get through. For more on these things, you can visit Gracie's Blogtime about Breakups. The easiest way to deal with it is to share your feelings with someone else who is good at helping. Take your mind off of the breakup or nonexistent relationship, and just have fun. Whoever dumped/doesn't recognize you in that way doesn't really deserve you, and you know that in your heart. Hang with people that do deserve you and that feeling will go away. Soon enough you'll find someone you'll learn to love, and that will care for you as best as anyone can.
Friends and family - if you know someone facing heartbreak, try to help them out. Listen to them and try to help them by getting them a little more relaxed and keeping their mind off of it. NEVER walk away from a friend in this kind of need. It hurts even more!!

- Family Problems
These are the hardest to take care of, especially when you live with the family. Sometimes it's your mom that bothers you, sometimes it's your dad that yells at you, sometimes its a stepmember of the family that truly pushes your buttons, or a sibling that just wants to bug you. The easiest thing to remember is that behind that, they really love you. They're your family! It's easy to dislike them and say mean things, but it's hard to truly hate them and believe those things. Unlike heartbreak, it's not something you should run from. Confront it at its source, politely and professionally. Maybe you could be making the changes. If your family's screaming at you to clean your room -- maybe it would be easier to just clean the dang thing then to spend a two-week argument over it. Remember you all need to make changes for each other - it's just the right thing to do! Try to stay calm and patient with them, and think of a good time where you were happy with them/vice versa.

- Friend Problems
These are pretty easy. Did a friend backstab you? Hurt you? Deceive you majorly? They don't deserve to be your friend. It might be hard to accept at first (how can I live without...Rhonda? John? Louise? I don't know!!!), but if they continually bully you and keep you down then let yourself free by saying, you know what? I don't need you. You aren't my friend. But if it's someone that's truly important...really special...and you're having a fight -- if you don't want them to think the above about you, apologize. Even if you didn't do anything wrong. That's the hardest part about fights; having to be the bigger person. Trust me; I would much rather take back some things I said and apologize then have a long stretched out fight and not be able to fix the holes. If you're the friend...think about how the other friend is feeling! And if you're a third friend that isn't involved at all...scheme something to get them to talk together. To pour their feelings. And explain this whole paragraph to them and try to help!!!

Alright, that's it! If you need some personal advice, email me at*

*Whatever you email me is strictly confidential. Though Gracie and I share that email account, make the subject TO EVY and she will not intrude. I would love to help you one-on-one via email, and for emailing check our email form in a separate Blogtime (Blogtime about Emailing Us!).

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